We believe in the power of innovation to make the world safer. We’ve assembled a consortium of companies that understand existing and emerging threats are ever-expanding, and gaps continue to grow between the number of positions required to address these threats and the number of skilled workers available to fill these positions. Together, we‘re addressing these issues through research and innovation in new tools, methods, and approaches while simultaneously reducing the workforce requirements.

The American Cyber League (ACL) offers technology experts, equipment, and training from the leading global solutions providers for collaborative use by the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, other federal agencies, state and local government, nonprofits, businesses, colleges, and universities to customize solutions to accelerate the implementation of advanced cyber technologies.

Join us as we create a safer, more secure world through unparalleled human and machine connections.


To establish a technology space for Innovation, Research and Development of current, emerging and future technologies through a consortium of talented minds from the private, government and academic sector to solve National, regional and local technology challenges.

Our STEM summer camp series provides interactive cyber education to girls, minorities, inner-city youth, and members of the local community to promote and foster access to learning and creativity.

Rapid Prototyping & Delivery

We’re building a world-class, advanced Research and Innovation Center that will enable members to identify and pursue collaborative research efforts to further the state of cybersecurity.

Taking Innovations to Scale

Identify research and innovation opportunities to push cybersecurity boundaries and secure funding to pursue projects focused on developing key cyber technologies and training programs.

Resourcing Cyber Security Solutions

The American Cyber League can deliver innovative solutions to meet critical Cyber Security needs. Please contact us for more information about resourcing Cyber Solutions.

Diverse Cyber Capabilities

We’re cultivating a consortium of talented individuals and organizations to bridge the gap between government and industry efforts, leveraging industry innovation to advance national cyber efforts.

Leading the Way

With the power of experience, we provide a unified voice for effectively articulating the strategic role cyber technologies play in government and industry.


Cyber Bytes Networking Event and Past Webinars