September 22nd, 2020 – Press Release
Election Integrity Foundation and Cyber Bytes Foundation Announce the Addition of a Permanent Election (Security) Research Lab and Education Center
(Stafford, Virginia – September 22, 2020) Election Integrity Foundation and Cyber Bytes Foundation announced the addition of a permanent Election (Security) Research Lab and Education Center at the Quantico Cyber Hub (the Hub) located at 1010 Corporate Drive, Stafford, VA. The lab and center are part of a multi-million dollar, multi-lab build-out designed specifically for education and innovation. The Hub contains the most innovative and advanced facility in the greater Washington, DC region designed to address evolving national security threats. The Election Research Lab and Education Center will be located on the second floor of the Hub and will house election equipment and other services and equipment vital to conducting election security research. This research will benefit local, state and national agencies in their efforts to maintain the integrity and security of the voting process and elections.
The Election Integrity Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to create voting villages and other platforms with the purpose of teaching election cybersecurity, providing resources when needed to validate the process surrounding elections, educating on election disinformation campaigns and working to ensure better election platforms and communication channels are developed for the future to provide the best integrity of the voting process.
Dan Webber, CEO, of Election Integrity Foundation, commented, “This gives us a permanent brick and mortar place for research and virtual and in-person participation in our ongoing educational mission to better secure and provide integrity of the voting process.”
Harri Hursti, Chairman, of Election Integrity Foundation stated, “This strategically aligns with our ‘Unhack the Ballot’ and ‘Election Cyber Surge’ initiatives. This gives us a year-round facility from which we will enhance and accelerate our efforts with Voting Machine Hacking Village between DEFCON Conferences. It also provides us a neutral and trusted place for analyzing our machinery of democracy, building best practices, and sharing critically important information”.
Cyber Bytes Foundation is a 501(c)(3) with the mission to establish and sustain a unique cyber ecosystem to produce the education, innovation, and outreach programs responsive to our national security challenges.
“By partnering with organizations like the Election Integrity Foundation, we bring the Hub to life, using the over 30,000 square feet of innovative space to focus on challenges that help secure our collective futures and meet our mission. We’re excited to partner with EIF and look forward to the work we can accomplish in securing elections”, says Brian DeMuth, President of the Board of Directors, Cyber Bytes Foundation.
For Election Integrity Foundation
Visit us online at or contact Dan Webber, CEO at
For Cyber Bytes Foundation
Visit us online at or contact Matt Weaver, Director of Development, at